it hiring

IT hiring: 5 ways to evolve your strategy

By Kirsten Kuykendoll

The pandemic rebooted how we recruit, hire, and onboard people for IT jobs.
Consider these ways to enhance your strategy and stay competitive

COVID-19 has fundamentally changed how we work – and how we think about work – today and well into the future. As a result, it has prompted a reboot of how organizations recruit and onboard new employees.

The struggles of the past year have also prompted many workers to rethink their career priorities, quitting their jobs in extraordinary numbers – with a record 4 million people doing so in April alone, according to the U.S. Labor Department. This has ushered in an era some pundits are calling “The Great Resignation,” creating a higher-than-usual demand for workers. And this has many employers – especially those in high-demand technology settings – scrambling to find adequate talent to fill the many job openings.

CIOs in particular are struggling to accelerate digital transformation and ensure the latest technologies are available, a requirement for attracting tech-savvy workers – and of course, the customers they are striving to please.

Also now normal is the continued acceptance of the pandemic-prompted virtual workplace. While some organizations are eager to bring workers back into the office full-time, many others are exploring the flexibility that a hybrid work model can bring to recruiting and hiring by enabling access to a broader and more diverse labor pool.
5 ways to update IT talent strategy

As we move into a post-COVID-19 world, consider these five ways to advance your recruiting and onboarding strategies and processes and help your talent acquisition team stay competitive in this dynamic environment.

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