By Lin Grensing-Pophal
Legacy systems are computer hardware or software that is outdated but still in use. Companies hang on to these dated systems for two primary reasons:
They’ve invested a lot of money and staff time in the system.
The system impacts a wide range of functions in the organization and would be costly to replace.
And yet, many organizations often fail to realize the high costs of keeping these systems in use.
Sometimes the largest companies are the most hampered by legacy systems because they’ve made the largest investments in technology. HR professionals hoping to make the case for replacing legacy systems that have outlived their usefulness can take some steps to convince their companies to let go.
Building the Business Case
Ideally, said Peter Vaniperen, managing partner at PWV Consultants and a veteran software architect and security expert, “every business should be moving to the cloud and undergoing digital transformation.” Some, though, are putting this move on hold because of legacy technology. That’s problematic, he said.
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