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Employers deploy AI powered chat bots to screen job applicants


By David F. Carr,

Job applicants who need to get passed that first, all-important screening interview may soon find themselves face-to-face with a robot.

Chatbots and intelligent software to analyze video interview answers are becoming practical methods of screening applicants at scale, particularly for those industries with high volume staffing needs such as retail, hospitality, and call centers.

Three cases in point: Marriott introduced a Marriott Careers Facebook Messenger chatbot in November. Unilever is making use of artificial intelligence to analyze video interviews. HotTopic relies on AI to screen applications and plans to begin experimenting with AI-powered chatbots next year.

Marriott Careers takes advantage of Google cloud services for natural language processing and sentiment analysis, says Svjetlana Vukic, head of client service at Five, the digital agency that created the chatbot for the hotel chain.
It also builds on Dexter, a software platform that acts like a content management system for a library of questions and answers.

A case study published by Bersin by Deloitte, Unilever’s AI initiatives have saved the company more than 50,000 work hours and erased months off the time it took to hire 800 candidates for the company’s Future Leaders Programme.

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