machine learning

AI: the new frontier of the HR space

Robotics and automation have undoubtedly shaped vast advancements over the past few decades. Artificial intelligence (AI) is the next big frontier and, although it’s too soon to predict its full potential, it is already transforming the way we work. Despite job loss fears, the reality is a different story.

Automation does not have to mean job losses. Some studies have shown that these new technologies can significantly improve current working practices. As highlighted in the McKinsey Global Institute’s latest report, while the growth and development of AI technologies will disrupt traditional employment practices and shift some roles – it will also create unprecedented new job opportunities.

In fact, technology can take over employees’ routine tasks, empowering them to develop and deploy problem-solving, adaptability, and creativity skills. When utilized strategically, cognitive technologies, machine learning and advanced algorithms can create a better employee experience and candidate journey. It’s time for all organizations to prepare to truly capitalize on the opportunities on offer in this new, smarter HR era.
Smarter recruitment

Using machines to drive human-centered solutions might seem counter-intuitive, but AI has the potential to advance current HR practices. That includes improving the recruitment and on-boarding experience, and optimizing talent detection.

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