Content is king. There are millions of jobs for job seekers to go through and attain potential recruits and if you do not pique their interest from the beginning, there is a high risk of them moving on to next job. Content is king with regards to recruitment advertising as well. Like all marketing activities, your goal is increasing your conversion rate amongst your target audience. With excellent job content, people read your job description and hit the apply button
In a recent webinar session with Bharat Jayaprakash, Senior Director,, he highlighted how content plays a significant role in attracting talent and how content marketing has paved ways for better recruitment. Technology among many other things is quite disruptive. Often changing the way, a product is delivered and putting huge companies out of business.
Bharat shared nine tips for optimizing job content:
Get attention
Don’t lose a candidate’s focus with a generic description. Think about your organization and what makes the job exciting for job seekers. If you are unaware of the job requirements, ask employees who have the same job role or your recruiters and hiring managers for more insights. Describing your organizational culture and giving a brief insight into your company’s way of functioning and requirements is a great way to attract the right candidate.
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