online recruitment

Why it’s time for the agency world to embrace recruitment tech



By Sho Kondo

The agency world moves fast. For marketing and advertising agencies, successful technology solutions are those that move at the same brisk pace, allowing users to keep operating at optimal levels and speeds.

Ideally, this means technology that keeps learning and improving and provides insights that power the discovery of the ‘right fit’ for that organisation. This discovery also extends to current staff and the agency’s recruitment process – by uncovering intrinsic and extrinsic motivational drivers or certain traits for their success we can help inform future hiring decisions.

Recruitment is commonly cited by agency owners and leaders as one of the biggest challenges they face in growing their business. Fortunately, there are many areas where data and technology can be leveraged within an agency’s hiring process.

Finding applicants is not so difficult, but finding the right applicants is often a time-intensive task. This is especially so for agencies, as there is no one-size-fits-all checklist for the ideal employee; agencies tend to take great pride in their unique company culture, which is often just as influential on a hiring decision as the actual role requirements.

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