recruitment software

Talent acquisition: How software-led processes are improving the experience


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by Charles Hipps

With the race for talent intensifying, recruiters are feeling the pressure to increase velocity and win the hearts and minds of qualified early talent candidates sooner – be this through an intern program or a more dedicated college recruiting exercise.

The fear is clear that a poor and inefficient recruiting process risks affecting candidate quality. More importantly for recruiters, getting it wrong leads to extended administration time and duplication of effort, not to mention mistakes, including good candidates being missed. This process stretches all the way to the onboarding stage to complete the hiring cycle and get a candidate prepped to be an employee.

Millennials and in some countries Generation Z are shaping up to be the largest workforce ever and the largest living generations. Millions of them have already joined the workforce, and, currently, they make up an astonishing 36% of it. By the year 2025, three out of four workers will be millennials.

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