recruitment ai

How AI-based recruitment startup FastNext got acquired by ANSR’s Talent500 and is transforming global hiring

By Jerlin Justus

Job hunting can be a tedious process, right from polishing a resume and finding the right opportunity to having to fill out several forms and then waiting to hear from a prospective employer. According to the Society of Human Resource Management, 60 percent of job seekers quit filling out an employment application if it’s too long or complex to understand. On the other hand, recruiters often have to sift through piles of job applications and even then, they sometimes end up hiring the wrong person for a job.

How convenient would it be if a candidate could get automatic recommendations for suitable jobs? Or companies could find the right candidate fit for the job role and the company’s culture? The seemingly difficult task could be made a reality by leveraging Artificial Intelligence as it can help recruiters make smarter and more informed decisions. The case for AI-powered models transforming the recruitment space is pretty strong and it allowed companies like FastNext to build an incredibly successful product and be acquired by Talent500 to disrupt how recruiting was taking place globally.

The Bengaluru-based startup was founded by Akhyansh Mohapatra and Naveen Benny. Its recommendation technology analysed millions of potential candidate profiles to help enterprises make more informed hiring choices and boost their businesses’ productivity.

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