job search

Six Right ways to use job boards and one wrong way


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By Lisa Rangel – an executive resume writer at

According to the National Bureau of Labor Statistics, Colorado had the lowest unemployment rate in the country this spring (May 2017), so that means companies are hiring! While we know that networking with new contacts and existing connections to land your next job works best – in fact, studies from CareerXRoads, JobVite, SHRM and others show networking to be the most effective way to get hired – that does not mean a job seeker should ignore job boards. But there are right and wrong ways to use job boards.

Here are six ways you should be utilizing job boards.

First Create your profile within the job board website, if this opportunity exists. Having your profile set up (and set is to confidential, when possible, if you are currently working) allows recruiters to search for and find you to reach out to you for interviews.

Do not be the one who has to find opportunities all of the time – put yourself out there to be found by hiring managers looking for people like you.

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