software developer

How To Find Quality Software Developers and Keep Them for the Long Term


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As technology advances and the entrepreneurial industry slowly turns digital, there is an unsurprising rise in the need to find top-tier software developers. And it may be a bitter pill to swallow, but small and mid-sized businesses have it the hardest during recruitment.

See, experienced software developers want to work for big, well-known companies. New, inexperienced developers, on the other hand, are more than willing to work for startups and lesser-knowns.

The problem, however, is that they’re not actually applying for work. They’re applying for experience. They want to become experienced developers themselves, but they’re fresh out of coding bootcamp and they need experience points to start leveling up.

That, sadly, is where your business comes in. You’re going to be the first bullet point under the experience section of their resume, and the chances of them leaving six months to a year after you hire them are extremely high. After all, they’ve gotten what they came for.

This is the frustration many small business owners face right now. It’s exasperating, but it doesn’t always have to be this way. There are ways you can find quality software developers looking for work, and there are measures you can take to make sure they’ll stay at least three years in your business.

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