Category: Applicant Tracking Software

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  • Top 10 Applicant Tracking Software

    To bring new talent into the company, you need to recruit new people and to make recruitment process more streamlined. And for that you need an Applicant Tracking Software. An Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) is a system which manages your recruitment process and simultaneously saves time, effort during your talent acquisition process. ATS can do…

  • Resume Match Software

    Recruiters are often overwhelmed with trying to sort through thousands of resumes in order to find the best candidates. Resume Matching Software allows recruiters to quickly and accurately match candidates to open positions. It automatically scans the application and resume – looking for specific keywords, experience, education, and location. Thus hiring becomes more effective when…

  • Recruiting software

    Recruiting software is a software tool used by recruiters, talent acquisition professionals, and hiring managers to streamline or automate the recruitment workflow. It includes functions such as sourcing, selecting, screening, and interviewing candidates. Tools to source candidates, screen resumes, select a shortlist, interview applicants, and collaborate with hiring managers are all part of the recruiting…

  • Date Wise Applied Applicants

    Job Board Software View Demo Search Applicant List of Applications List of Applicants Applicant Interaction Selected Applicants Screening Round Selection Round Applicant Round/Status Report Date Wise Applied Applicants Date Wise Applied Applicants Employer can view the list of applicants – date wise

  • Applicant Round/Status Report

    Job Board Software View Demo Search Applicant List of Applications List of Applicants Applicant Interaction Selected Applicants Screening Round Selection Round Applicant Round/Status Report Date Wise Applied Applicants Applicant Round/Status Report Employer can change the status of applicant in the applicant tracking module

  • Selection Round

    Job Board Software View Demo Search Applicant List of Applications List of Applicants Applicant Interaction Selected Applicants Screening Round Selection Round Applicant Round/Status Report Date Wise Applied Applicants Selection Round Employer can change the selection round of employer in applicant tracking module

  • Screening Round

    Job Board Software View Demo Search Applicant List of Applications List of Applicants Applicant Interaction Selected Applicants Screening Round Selection Round Applicant Round/Status Report Date Wise Applied Applicants Screening Round Employer can change the screening round of employer in applicant tracking module

  • Selected Applicants

    Job Board Software View Demo Search Applicant List of Applications List of Applicants Applicant Interaction Selected Applicants Screening Round Selection Round Applicant Round/Status Report Date Wise Applied Applicants Selected Applicants Employer can view the selected applicants and send offer letter