Category: WhitePapers

  • WordPress Theme

    The Ultimate WordPress Job Board Theme for a Seamless Recruiting Experience A robust, user-friendly WordPress theme designed to streamline your job board experience. Contact Us View demo   Connecting talent with opportunity is more important than ever. That’s why we created, the ultimate WordPress Job Board Theme designed to revolutionize your recruiting process. Whether you’re…

  • Top 10 Best Job Search Apps

    Top 10 Best Job Search Apps

  • 15 best Career Pages

    A career pages is key part of a company’s website where they can display career information, job openings and an option for jobseekers to apply for open jobs positions. All companies nowadays have a career page to attract candidates. In fact many jobseekers come to know about a job from the company career page. Career…

  • Why should you buy job board software?

    There’s always a huge demand for lots and lots of jobs. People are always trying to boost their career, and the best way to do that is via using a job board software to get access to some new jobs. That’s why you should buy job board software. This way you can create a great…

  • How to setup a Job Board Platform

    A good job board platform helps a web publisher to access and build a reliable job board and to earn viable income. For developing and maintaining a good monetization strategy for a company website, a job board platform is critical. They help connect employers to prospective workers. You should therefore, ensure that you have the…

  • How to set up a Job Board?

    Setting up an online job board offers several benefits to a company. Whether you are a staffing company, recruiter or want to setup a career site, a Job Board ensures that you are able to automate the entire hiring process online. There are many web based solutions and software that offer job listing software. The…

  • Features of Applicant Tracking System Applicant tracking system gathers job requirements, automatically posts those requirements to the career site, qualifies job applicants, processes resumes, matches candidates with the requirements, shortlists candidates, and sends automated emails to selected candidates. It also has a hiring manager portal along with the range of other features. The applicant tracking system comes with a…

  • What is Applicant Tracking System?

    Applicant tracking system is an online application that maintains the records of all applicants. Applicant tracking system automates the online job application and resume tracking process including collecting, reviewing and responding to resumes. Growing number of employees has made the recruitment process extremely complicated. Big companies, especially in the IT and FMCG sectors hire hundreds…

  • Benefits of Applicant Tracking Software

    Applicant tracking Software tracks the recruitment process right from requirement posting, resume application through to offer acceptance and hiring. This eases the workload of HR recruiters and placement consultants as most cumbersome and time-consuming tasks are automated. From easy to use online application forms to easy to search resume database, applicant tracking Software can handle…

  • Human Resources Degree Program

    Human resource (HR) refers to the efficient management of human capital of a company. It includes recruitment, promotion, development and training of talent, and making sure that the employees work at their optimum capability For a career in HR management, a degree in human resources is necessary. With a degree in HR management, you can…