Online Interview Software Tutorial

1. Admin

  • Manage test library and test category
  • List of Assessment
  • List of candidates
  • List of videos
  • View Reports
  • Email Template for interview

a. Manage Test Library and Test Category

Manage Test Category:
This is used for creating a category for a test. A category can have multiple tests. You can also check how many tests are under a category.

Manage Test library:
Under this section admin has ability to create/edit/view/delete a Test library. Using this functionality, employer can create their own assessment easily.

How to create Test and Test category?
Before creating a test library, add a test category first. Then you can create a test library.
Steps to follow to create test category and library:

Creating Test Category:

  • 1. Login as an admin and click on Interview > Test library menu
  • 2. Next, on top there is a test category link click on it.
  • 3. Next, you will redirect to the list of category page. In this page there is a New button click on it.
  • 4. After click on Next button, a form page will open so fill the form and click on submit. After submitting the form, category will be added to the database. Admin can create many categories for their test library.

Creating Test Library:

This process is same like a creating a test category. For creating test library admin must add these 3 options for making test library complete:

  • 1. Add test library
  • 2. Add result message for test library
  • 3. Next, Add Question and choices for test library

How to make Test library?

Here are some steps to create a test library.

Step 1: Create Test

  • 1. Create Test: For creating the test go to interview > test library and click on new button and fill the form. Test will be created
  • 2. Next, after submit the form you will redirect to the list of test page, in list test page there is column name as save as template so click on the column row to make test as library

Note: admin can create, edit, view and delete the test

Step 2: Add Message

  • 1. Click on interview > test library you will be redirect to the list of test page
  • 2. Next, in list test page there is a column name add message click on it
  • 3. After clicking on add message link you will be redirect to the message list page, there is button called a – new message click on it and submit the form

Note: Message section is used for categories the jobseeker performance based on his total points. For example, suppose jobseeker attempted the test and after attempting the test jobseeker will get some total points. Based on total point we have to automate the result and show the message to the jobseeker how was the test? So, if jobseeker total points are match the range of (min, max) value then the message admin has filled will be shown.

Step 3: Add question/choices:

The final step for test is adding the question and its choices

  • 1. Click on interview > questions menu.
  • 2. Next, after clicking on question the list of tests you have been created will be shown. So, for which test you want to add the question you have to click on – New question button.
  • 3. Next, a form will open. Inside the form there is three types of input fields.
    • a. Question title
    • b. Choices for question
    • c. And correct point for the choices.

For creating the multiple choices, you must have to click on add another option button.
Now the library questions can be used by employer.

b. List of Assessment:

Admin can view the list of all assessment which is created by employer

c. List of Candidates:

Admin can view the list of all candidates which are selected by employer

d. List video

Admin can view the list of videos has been uploaded by the jobseeker.

e. Reports

Under this section admin can view and check:

  • a. Total no of assessment added
  • b. Total no of test library added by admin
  • c. Total no of employer tests
  • d. Total no of questions added
  • e. Total no of candidate
  • f. Total no of uploaded videos uploaded.

f. Email template for an interview:

Use case of email template?
The use case of this feature is to customize your email template, you can add edit the template while sending any invitation related to assessment.

Where it can be used?
This feature is used inside under two functionalities.

  • 1. The mail would be sent when making the assessment invitation.
  • 2.The mail would be sent when a candidate completed the test.

The mail would be automatically sent while making assessment invitation and candidate completed their test.

Under this section admin can add two type of assessment:

  • 1. Add template for sending assessment invitation
  • 2. Add template for test complete.

How to create Template?

Admin has the ability to create a default email template set for interview. Admin can add two types of email template such as one type is – Invite and other is – Complete.

The steps to create an email template:

  • 1. First login as admin.
  • 2. Next, click on the – Email templates menu.
  • 3. Next, you will the list of sub-menus related the email templates. So, click on the – Interview email template.
  • 4. Next, you will redirect to the list of email template page, then click on the – New button.
  • 5. After click on new a form will open Fill the form input such as subject, select type of template (invite or complete) and add the message, then submit the form your template will be generated.

Note: In interview software by default we added the template you can customize or edit the record. For adding some dynamic candidate name, recruiter name or adding assessment link you have to use some predefine variable which is describe at the template creation page.



2. Employer

  • Add Assessment
  • View Candidates
  • Conduct Tests
  • Conduct Video Interview
  • Invite candidates

a. Add Assessment:

Assessment is used by companies which consist of multiple test and custom question.

What is the use case of assessment?

  • It allows employer/companies to develop assessment and test the skill of candidates.
  • In our software assessment consist of validated test from our library and there is also add custom test ability.
  • By default, company’s assessment valid for 2 months after that it will expired.

Invite candidate:
For inviting the candidates for an assessment:

  • First you have to create an assessment.
  • Next, after creating an assessment you will be redirect to assessment list page where there is an invite link for each assessment.
  • Next, click on invite link then a view page will open inside view page there will be an invite form.
  • Next, fill the form with candidate name and email next submit the form. A invite link would be sent to the candidate.

b. View Candidates

Under this the list of candidates will be shown who had done their assign test for an assessment. Using this company/employer can view the candidate resume also. This option gives you an ability to find candidate easily with their test score and resume.

c. Conduct Tests

Company/employer has the ability to create his/her custom question list for their assessment. Using this option, you can create up to two type of custom test such as:

  • Video test: in this section you can create a video-based test for a candidate where candidate submit the answer in the format of video.
  • MCQ test: in this section you can add one question for each MCQ (multiple choice questions) test. Where candidate give the response based on one selected correct answer.

How to create a Test (Video/MCQ):

  • 1. For creating the test click on Tests menu link. You will redirect to the list of test page.
  • 2. Next, click on create new test button.
  • 3. After click on the link a new page will open where you will be asked select (Video or MCQ) the test you want to create, then click one of them.
  • 4. After selecting the test, a new form will be open, so next fill and submit the form.
  • 5. After submitting the form your test will be created. You can these test in your assessment.

d. Conduct Video Interview

This section is used to view the uploaded video test of a candidate. If any candidate performs a video test for an assessment employer can view his/her video test under this section.

Company/employer can track:

  • a. Company/employer can view detail of uploaded video
  • b. Can view candidate name, email, IP address, location of uploaded video.
  • c. Can view the resume of candidate.
  • d. Add the messageas areport for the candidate who uploaded the video.

e. Invite Candidates

This section is used to view the list of invitation has been sent by company/employer for an assessment. Where he can see which invitation is accepted or pending.


3. Jobseeker

a. Test

The test is used for list the assessment invitation which is accepted by the candidates. Candidate can view the list of assessment and can take the test for the assessment.

How to take a test?

  • a. Candidate can give the test if the invitation was sent by the recruiter.
  • b. If invitation is accepted by the candidate, he can see the list of assessment.
  • c. Next, click on assessment or take test link, you will redirect to the test list page for an assessment.
  • d. Next, after redirecting to the test list page click on the start test link.
  • e. And your test will be start.

Note: under assessment there will be a two type of test can be given one is MCQ based and video base test.

b. Test taken

If candidate want to see which test, they have done. He can see the list of tests taken by him under the Test taken; just click on the button candidate can see the list of tests taken by him otherwise no test would be visible if it is not taken.

c. Calendar

This feature gives you to keep track of your test record in calendar format. Candidate can see the test taken by him in calendar format.

d. My Videos

This feature is used to view the list of candidate videos. The video is a test video which is taken by the candidate. So, it helps to candidate to view their uploaded or recorded video test.
