Facebook App For Job Board

Facebook.com is the most popular social networking website and is used daily by millions of users worldwide.

Facebook App For Job Board We have developed a Facebook App for your Job Board. It seamlessly integrates into the job board software and will display latest jobs from job board to Facebook page automatically.

The advantages of building a Job Board App on Facebook are:

  • Facebook Page is the main platform for advertising or presenting Job Board information and Jobs in Facebook
  • Integrate job board with various social aspects of Facebook experience e.g like it, share etc
  • Fans can share latest Jobs with their friends and family on Facebook
  • Facebook application can increase awareness about your Job Board globally
  • Facebook is used by over 800 million people and most of them are young adults so it can give job board a demographic dividend in future
  • Facebook is world’s most popular websites and it can bring plenty of web traffic and page views to your Job Board

Companies are nowadays using social media as a major tool to market their services. And Job Boards will tremendously benefit from having a Facebook App.