Applicant Tracking System

Applicant Tracking System automates the online job application and resume tracking process It simplifies reviewing, responding to resumes and selecting the best applicant for the job

Using Applicant Tracking System, Employer can:

Applicant Tracking System

  • Track the applicant
  • Automate the selection process
  • Inform the Job Seeker about his Status
  • Generate Report about Applicants
  • Know the selection status of the particular Job Seeker
  • Check the applicant profile
  • Compare two Resumes
  • Check Resume Match vs Job
  • Rate the Job Seeker selection rounds
  • Do the Screening, Interview and Final selection

The entire Applicant Tracking Process is as follows:

Applicant Tracking System

  • Employer Control Panel
  • Login Employer control panel
  • Click the active jobs link in the employer control panel

View Demo

List of Active Jobs

Applicant Tracking System

  • Check the menu buttons appearing in the right of the page
  • Click – View applications menu button, new page will open – List of applicants

View Applications
Complete details of applicant are displayed:

Applicant Tracking System

  • Applicant id
  • Candidate name
  • Applied
  • Round/Status
  • Rating
  • Action
In applicant tracking process, Jobseeker is given an auto-generated Applicant ID when they apply for Job Jobseekers are displayed as an applicant on the respective Employer Control panel under the List of Jobs section Employer can manage the applicant tracking system with Applicant ID
On this page Applicant Id is the auto generated ID and Round/Status are for the Status of Jobseeker Rounds taken for the selections process By default one circle is appearing on this page, which means that jobseeker is on the initial state and he hasn’t gone through any selection process There is one more circle image ( view-application-icon ) is appearing in the Round/Status section which shows that the applicant is new Now select the particular applicant by selecting the action image of the particular applicant

View Resume

Applicant Tracking System

  • Check the particular applicant profile by clicking – View Resume

Edit Selection Round
As per the applicant interaction with employer choose and edit:

Applicant Tracking System

Applicant Tracking System

  • Screening Round
  • Telephone Round
  • Interview Round
  • Skill check Round
  • Background check Round
  • Reference check Round
Select the applicant on clicking action button of the particular applicant Click on change status button Page appears as Applicant Status and update

Applicant Status:

  • Click Change Status button
  • Page appears as Applicant Status
  • Choose the Set Status and click the update button
  • There are five options in the drop down list , Named as


  • Process
  • Completed (Waiting)
  • Completed (Rejected)
  • Completed (Select)

After selecting process and clicking on update button, Page appears as Applicant Status which shows that:

  • Round is Screening
  • Pre-status is new
  • Current Status is process
  • Inserted is the date on which the record is inserted

View Selection History

Applicant Tracking System

  • View the past interaction with applicant as per interaction

Select Candidate

Applicant Tracking System

If the employer finds the Candidate suitable, click and select applicant Change the applicant status as selected directly by clicking the green button ( ) in which bulb is appearing

Contact Candidate

Applicant Tracking System

  • In case of any clarification or feed back submit the contact form

Add Comment

Applicant Tracking System

  • Add comments in resume, which will be visible only to employer

Rate Applicant

Applicant Tracking System

  • Rate the applicant by clicking the rate button
  • Applicant Rating page appears
  • Now rate the applicant for further selection process
  • After choosing the Rate point from the drop down list, Click the rate button

Delete Applicant

Applicant Tracking System

  • Delete the applicant from – List of Applicants, if he is unsuitable for the job

Resume Match Detail

Applicant Tracking System

  • Check the Applicant Vs Job compatibility
  • It ranks the applicant using – Location, Industry, Experience, Job Type as Job criteria

View Current Status

Applicant Tracking System

View and Change the status of the status of the applicant
View Applicant details by:
  • All Applicants
  • Screening Round
  • Telephone Round
  • Interview Round
  • Skill check Round
  • Background check Round
  • Reference check Round
Based on interaction with applicant – edit selection round, rate candidate, contact, add comment, delete or Select Candidate

List of Selected applicants

Applicant Tracking System

  • View list of selected cadidatesD
  • Also send offer letter and create an Excel Report

Send Offer Letter

Applicant Tracking System

  • Send offer letter to selected candidates

Candidate Status

Applicant Tracking System

  • Update whether Candidate has joined or declined the job


Applicant Tracking System

The Applicant Tracking Software generates various Reports that can give a dashboard of applicant status to employers like – Applicant pipeline, Screening Round, Telephone Round, Interview Round, Skill check Round, Background check Round, Reference check Round, Selected, Joined, Declined etc
It also gives Round wise reports like New, In Process, Rejected, Approved and Applicant Round/Status Report, Date wise Applied Applicants

Round Wise Reports

Applicant Tracking System

Applicant Round/Status Reports

Applicant Tracking System

Date Wise Applied Applicants

Applicant Tracking System

Icon meaning:
Applicant Tracking System For new state
Applicant Tracking System Processing State
Applicant Tracking System Completed Status
Applicant Tracking System Final Status completed
Applicant Tracking System Applicant Selected
Applicant Tracking System Applicant Status Reset
Applicant Tracking System Status under process
Applicant Tracking System Status completed but waiting
Applicant Tracking System Status completed (selected)
Applicant Tracking System Status completed but rejected