List of Features – Online Interview Software

Online Interview Software from is an all-in-one Recruitment solution that combines Video Interviewing, Online Assessment and Test Software.

List of Features:


Employers can post interviews for candidates to attend and they can:

  • Post assessment
  • View candidates
  • Conduct MCQ test
  • Add post Test Message/result
  • Video interview questions for candidates to answer
  • Invite candidates by email
  • View and use Test Library
  • View Reports

Job Seekers

Jobseekers can attend interview and check the results and they can:

  • View assessment
  • View job
  • Take MCQ test
  • Answer video interview questions in their dashboard
  • View Interview invitations
  • View Reports
  • View Interview dates in Calendar


Admin has full control of the process and can:

  • Manage Test Library
  • Add Questions and Answers
  • Add Test category
  • View list of Assessment
  • List of candidates
  • List of videos
  • View reports
  • Edit email template

Online Assessment

Assessment is a combination of a test library and a custom test (video test and custom question) that evaluates the candidate’s performance.

An employer can add multiple tests for his assessment and can invite the candidate.
Based on the assessment employer can see and view the report of candidates.

How to create an online assessment?

  • Log in as an employer you will redirect to the dashboard section
  • Next, click on the test menu
  • After that you will redirect to the test dashboard, here click on create new assessment button
  • After clicking on the button you will be redirected to the create assessment form

Here are four steps to create an assessment

  • First, give the assessment name and select the job
  • Second, a list of test libraries will appear so select as much you want
  • Third, a list of custom tests (video, MCQ) will appear
  • Fourth, review the selected data and submit the form
  • After submitting the form your assessment will be created

Video Interview

This feature allows an employer to add a video test for a candidate.
Employers create a question for their candidate in the format of text.
And candidate replies the question in the form of a video.

Benefits of Video Interview:

  • Get a candidate’s first impression
  • Know about the candidate’s communication skills
  • To measure candidate expression

Some basic questions that you can ask in a video

  • Tell us about yourself
  • Where do you see yourself in five years?
  • What are your strength and weakness?
  • Why do you want this job?
  • What was your salary in your last job?

A video test is a test where the employer adds a question and the candidate responds in a video format.

Custom Test

This feature allows an employer to create the multiple-choice question.
The employer can add only one question at a time with their answer.
This feature is used in the assessment creation.
The employer can use this feature if they want to ask multiple-choice-question to their candidate.
They can create their custom test and assign it to the assessment.

How to create a custom test:

  • First log in as an employer
  • Then go to the dashboard section and click on the tests menu
  • Next, click on the tests menu, after that, click on create test button
  • Next, you will redirect to the form page just submit the form and your custom test will be created

Test Library

A test library is a collection of tests added by admin, where each test contains multiple questions their choices and each test have messages based on points range.

Test library gives you the ability to create a test for different test categories and keep the set of tests for your assessment or public test.

If you have already a set of tests then the employer does not worry about creating a manual test, he just needs to select the test and assign it to his candidate. Using a test library, it saves the time for the employer to create tests manually.
Test library is used in the case when creating an assessment. Using this feature employers do not worry about of question set because in the test library the set of questions is already defined.

An employer can add multiple test libraries in your assessment and assign to his candidates.

Invite Candidates

Candidates are either jobseekers of the job board or an email id of people shortlisted by employers.

How to invite candidates?
Here are some steps to invite a candidate:

  • First, create an assessment
  • Next, after creating an assessment employer will redirect to the assessment list page
  • Under the assessment list page, there is the link with the name invite to click on the assessment title, employer will redirect to the invite page
  • So, fill the invite form with the candidate name and candidate email and submit the form
  • After the form submission, the invitation link would be sent to the candidate Job Board Software provides the best Online Interview Software. By using online interview software, company can easily add tests, video interviews and assessment, making the recruitment process more comprehensive and effective.

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