Learning Management Software – List of Features

A Learning Management System (LMS) is online Software used to manage courses, lessons, employee, students and maintain their records of their progress by instructors.

LMS can save time for instructors, increase the number of students who can access course material and decrease the cost of teaching. Learning management systems are popular with companies, universities and colleges that deliver online classes, as well as private tutors who teach in person.

LMS, online learning

Companies can use LMS to deliver personalized learning to customers and employees.

LMS – List of Features

1. User Management
There are 3 types of Users

  • Admin
  • Instructors – Employers
  • Students – Jobseekers

2. Course

Course can be added by Instructor

  • Course Title
  • Category
  • Description
  • Code
  • Price
  • Intro Video/Image
  • Time Limit
  • Requirement

3. Lesson

Multiple Lessons are added in a course

  • Section
  • Text
  • Document
  • Video/YouTube

4. Instructors

They will post course and lessons

  • Employer – login/register/edit profile
  • Post course
  • View Report

5. Students

They will subscribe to courses

  • Jobseeker – login/register/edit profile
  • View and subscribe course
  • View Report

6. Website

Basic frontend and backend of the project

  • LMS Homepage
  • List of Courses (frontend)
  • List of categories(frontend)
  • View List of students(backend)
  • View list of Instructors(backend)
  • View Reports(backend)
  • Add/edit/delete (backend)

An LMS helps engage customers, develop employee skills and by integrating it in your job board will improve your website brand. You can also earn revenues by selling courses and engaging with talent in your industry.

Learning Management Software is a module in ejobsitesoftware.com – Job Board Software and can be setup easily. Pl. get back to us for a free guidance on setting up an LMS.