Function Reference
Function : add
void add( $message, $type = 'error' )
Member function of class messageStack
Create session variable for notification
message string
type string
Function : add_session
void add_session( $message, $type = 'error' )
Member function of class messageStack
Create session variable for notification
message string
type string
Function : block_ip_address
void block_ip_address( void )
Constructor of class block_ip_address
Read ip addresses from ipadress_block table and print error message if the user is blocked
Function : configuration
void configuration( void )
Constructor of class configuration
Read configuration table and define them as php constants
Function : infoBox
string infoBox( string $heading , string $contents )
Member function of class right_box
Return right aligned heading and body HTML markups as single string
heading string
contents string
string contaning html markup of right side info box and its body
Function : left_box
void left_box( void )
Constructor of class left_box
Reset menu and sub-menu
Function : lock
bool lock( string $ip , string $ip1 , string $ip2)
Member function of class block_ip_address
Check whether user ip address should be blocked or not
ip string
ip1 string
ip2 string
true when user should be blocked and false when user should be allowed
Function : menuBox
string menuBox( array $heading , array $contents)
Member function of class left_box
Returns left aligned vertical menu and sub-menu markups as single string
heading array
$heading [$index] ['link'] ['text']
contents array
$contents [$index] ['link'] ['text']
string contaning html markup of left side menu and its sub-menu
Function : messageStack
void messageStack( void )
Constructor of class messageStack
Move notifications from session vars to class vars
Function : output
string output( void )
Constructor of class messageStack
Form html table markup for notification
string Return html table markup for notification
Function : reset
void reset( void )
Member function of class messageStack
Reset class variables
Function : right_box
void right_box( void )
Constructor of class right_box
Reset menu and sub-menu
Function : size
int size( string $class )
Member function of class messageStack
Find number of notifications having a particular type/class eg error type/class
class string
int number of matched notifications
Function : tableBlock
string tableBlock( array $contents )
Constructor of class tableBlock
Form generic table HTML markup
contents array
Store table data values and column parameters
$contents['form'] [$row_index] ['params'] ['text'] [$column_index] ['params'] ['text'] ['align'] ['form']
string containing HTML markup of desired generic table
Function : tableBlockLeft
string tableBlockLeft( array $contents )
Constructor of class tableBlockLeft
Form left aligned table HTML markup
contents array
Store table data values and column parameters
$contents['form'] [$row_index] ['params'] ['text'] [$column_index] ['params'] ['text'] ['align'] ['form']
string containing HTML markup of desired left aligned table
Function : tableBlockRight
string tableBlockRight( array $contents )
Constructor of class tableBlockRight
Form left aligned table HTML markup
contents array
Store table data values and column parameters
$contents['form'] [$row_index] ['params'] ['text'] [$column_index] ['params'] ['text'] ['align'] ['form']
string containing HTML markup of desired right aligned table