How to Setup a Job Board?

If you’re new to the world of recruitment and are planning to setup a Job Board for the first time, there can be a lot of learning required. In this article, we will inform you of the steps you need to take when setting up a Job Board website.

There are several benefits of setting up a Job Board especially for Recruitment agencies, placement sector and companies as it can automate the entire hiring process from job posting to applicant tracking and selection of candidate.

The entire process from concept to completion of a job board is as follows:

1. Choose your domain name and Webhost

Domain name is very important for any internet business. It should be small and catchy and ideally must have keyword in name. There are different providers you can use to buy a domain name and hosting e.g.,, etc. Subsequently make DNS changes in your domain control panel to point to server. Install SSL Certificate to make site secure

2. Home Page Theme

Prepare design guideline for developing homepage e.g. text, logo, benchmark homepage design, colour combinations, favourite layout examples etc. Ask web designer to develop few samples of proposed homepage based on your feedback. Check out – Job Board Themes

Job board Software Video Theme
job board theme

3. Select Job Board Software

Prepare a list and shortlist amongst several Job Board Software vendors like .Getting an online Job Board business up and running is easier and more cost-effective if you choose a readymade job board software. Ensure that the job board software is user friendly.

4. Compile a list of features

Feature list is the list of deliverables in the project. It may even include any customization that is not mentioned in feature list of job board software vendors. Pl. check the demo of job board software and make a list of customizations that you may require. Like in jobseeker registration forms/fields or resume format. And country, currency, language based settings based on the location.

5. Install the Job Board

Upload the complete the customized job board application (jobseeker, employer and admin) on your server. Integrate with Payment Gateway and
social accounts.

6. Post Jobs

Post original content and jobs and watch your Job Board grow. Compile all the static content for job board homepage and respective internal pages e.g. about us, company information etc. From Employer Control Panel add some job to make your job board sticky

7. Digital Marketing / SEO

Start SEO and digital marketing of the job board. Add you site to Google Webmaster Tools and do other SEO related activities such as keyword analysis, content marketing, social media and email marketing.

Spend some time checking every page on your site Also add few sample job posts to make sure the recruitment process works smoothly. Once you’re satisfied, it’s time to launch your Job Board and start a thriving online recruitment business

In case of any other clarifications on setting up a Job Board, pl. contact us