Backfill Jobs

Backfill Jobs in a Job Board Using XML Feed

Backfilling jobs using XML feeds allows job boards to import jobs from third-party sources or partner websites, ensuring that the platform remains populated with job opportunities.

In this article, we’ll dive deep into how backfilling jobs using XML feeds works, its benefits, and how to set it up for your job board.

What is Job Backfilling?

Job backfilling refers to the practice of automatically populating a job board with listings from external sources. This is typically done by importing jobs from an XML feed provided by other job boards, aggregators, or Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

The goal of backfilling is to ensure the job board stays populated with the latest job opportunities, even if direct employer postings slow down.

To set up XML job imports in, follow this process:

  1. Feed Dashboard

  1. Create a New Feed

  1. Auto Jobs Fetch Setting

  1. Feed Mapping

What is an XML Feed?

An XML feed is a standardized way of structuring data so it can be shared between systems. In the context of job boards, XML feeds include structured information about job listings, such as the job title, company name, description, location, and more. These feeds are widely used by job aggregators like Indeed, ZipRecruiter, and others to distribute jobs across multiple platforms.

When a job board uses an XML feed to backfill jobs, it imports this structured data into its system, displaying the listings as if they were posted directly on the platform.

Why Backfill Jobs Using XML Feeds?

For job boards, keeping fresh content is critical to maintaining engagement and driving traffic. Here are the key benefits of backfilling jobs using XML feeds:

  1. Constant Flow of Jobs
    Job backfilling ensures that your job board always has a steady stream of new listings. This makes the platform more attractive to job seekers and encourages return visits.
  2. Expanded Reach
    By importing jobs from various external sources, you offer job seekers a wider range of opportunities, increasing the value of your job board.
  3. Reduced Manual Effort
    Backfilling automates the process of adding new jobs to your platform, saving you time and reducing the need for manual job posting.
  4. Revenue Potential
    Many job boards monetize backfilled jobs by using affiliate links or partnering with other job boards, allowing them to earn commissions when candidates apply to those jobs.
  5. Improved SEO
    Regularly updating job listings with fresh content boosts the SEO ranking of your job board, improving its visibility in search engines.

How Does Backfilling Jobs with XML Feeds Work?

The process of backfilling jobs using XML feeds involves importing job data from third-party sources into your job board system. Here’s how it works:

  1. Integration with Job Aggregators or External Job Boards
    You begin by partnering with a job aggregator or another job board that provides XML feeds of their job listings. These feeds contain structured job data, such as job titles, descriptions, and application links.
  2. Setting Up the XML Feed
    After receiving the feed URL from the job aggregator, you can configure your job board’s system to automatically import job listings. Many job board platforms, such as SmartJobBoardand io, allow admins to enter the XML feed URL into their system and set the parameters for how often the jobs should be updated (daily, weekly, etc.).
  3. Mapping Fields
    It is essential to ensure that the fields in the XML feed (such as job title, description, company name, and location) are correctly mapped to the corresponding fields in your job board’s database. This ensures that the imported jobs display accurately on your site. Some job board platforms offer automatic field mappingor allow for manual adjustments.
  4. Customizing Job Display
    You can apply filters to the backfilled jobs to ensure only relevant listings are displayed on your board. For example, you may want to exclude jobs from competitors or limit job listings to certain categories, industries, or geographic locations.
  5. Auto-Publishing or Manual Review
    Depending on your job board settings, backfilled jobs can either be automatically published or sent to draft mode for manual review before going live. Auto-publishing is common for time-saving purposes, but some job boards prefer to manually approve backfilled jobs to maintain quality control.
  6. Running Regular Imports
    After the initial setup, your system will automatically import jobs from the XML feed at the frequency you choose (e.g., daily or weekly). This ensures your job board is consistently updated with fresh listings.

Key Considerations for Backfilling Jobs with XML Feeds

While backfilling jobs offers significant benefits, it’s important to consider the following to avoid potential pitfalls:

  1. Duplicate Listings: If your XML feed pulls jobs from multiple sources, it’s possible to end up with duplicate listings. Many job board platforms allow you to filter duplicates or set rules to manage them.
  2. Quality Control: Some job aggregators may include low-quality or irrelevant jobs in their feeds. Apply filters to ensure that only high-quality, relevant job listings appear on your board.
  3. Customization Options: Ensure your platform allows for proper customization. This includes mapping fields correctly, filtering unwanted jobs, and controlling how jobs are displayed to users.
  4. Legal Considerations: Ensure that you have permission to import jobs from third-party sources. Some job aggregators may have restrictions on how their listings can be used or require a partnership agreement.
  5. Field Mapping: Make sure to properly map the XML fields to your job board’s database fields. Mismatches can lead to missing information or improperly displayed job listings.

How to Set Up Job Backfilling Using XML Feeds on Your Job Board

The exact setup process may vary depending on the job board software you are using. Below is a general step-by-step guide that applies to most job board platforms.

Step 1: Obtain the XML Feed URL

Start by partnering with job aggregators or third-party job boards that provide XML feeds. They will provide you with a URL to access the feed. This feed will contain the structured data of the job listings you wish to import.

Step 2: Access Your Job Board’s Admin Settings

Log in to your job board’s admin panel. Navigate to the Job Import or Job Backfill section, which is typically found under settings or integrations.

Step 3: Enter the XML Feed URL

In the import section, enter the XML feed URL provided by the job aggregator. You may also be able to upload an XML file directly if it’s in a supported format.

Step 4: Map the Fields

Review the field mapping to ensure that the fields from the XML feed (e.g., job title, description, location) are correctly mapped to the corresponding fields in your job board system.

Step 5: Customize Import Settings

Choose how often you want to import jobs from the feed (e.g., daily or weekly). You can also apply filters to control which job categories, locations, or industries are displayed.

Step 6: Publish or Review Jobs

Decide whether to auto-publish the backfilled jobs or manually review them before publishing. If auto-publishing is enabled, the jobs will go live on your site immediately after import.

Step 7: Monitor and Adjust

Regularly monitor the performance of the backfilled jobs. Use analytics to track user engagement and make adjustments as needed to optimize the job listings for your audience.

Backfilling jobs using XML feeds is a powerful tool for job boards looking to offer fresh, relevant content to their users. By automating the process of importing job listings from external sources, job boards can stay competitive in a crowded market while reducing manual effort. With proper setup, field mapping, and quality control, backfilling can be a significant asset to your job board’s success.

By understanding how to effectively use XML feeds, you can expand your job board’s offerings, improve user satisfaction, and even generate additional revenue through partnerships with aggregators.

If you’re looking to get started with backfilling jobs, now is the time to explore integration options and enhance your job board’s potential.