How to receive job alerts by email?

Email is one of the most popular communication methods. People use email to send messages every day. Most people find email convenient for communicating with friends and family. Employers also use it to notify job applicants of new employment opportunities.

What is a Job Alert?

When Job Boards help you find relevant jobs and save time by automatically by sending you email notifications once a new job opportunity becomes available, are called a Job Alert.

Benefits of Job Alerts by email

  • Notifications via email are also a useful marketing tool for businesses.
  • Employers can send information about new job openings to interested candidates without contacting each individual applicant separately.
  • Many jobseekers use their email for work notifications and also for notification about new job opportunities.
  • Employer emails are easy and quick to compose.
  • They’re also relatively inexpensive compared to other advertising channels.
  • Increases brand loyalty by regularly informing customers of company activities.
  • It saves time and ensures that candidates hear about all relevant job opportunities.

Features of Job Alerts:

  • Jobseekers receive jobs by email
  • Job Board connects with passive jobseekers automatically
  • Job Alerts are sent using the cron feature in web host
  • Jobs Posted by employer are sent to all members of the job board

Demo of Job Alerts:

The process is:

Jobseeker login – Job Alert Agent – Create New Job Alert
Admin can view the Jobseekers who have subscribed to the job alerts.

Everyone looks at their inbox every day. Sending regular job notifications builds trust with current customers and leads. It also keeps people informed about important company developments.

Job Alerts feature is an important module in a Job Board Software. It results in increase of a jobseeker’s chances of finding a position and getting hired

Are you looking for a job board software to setup your own job board?

Check out . Our Job Board Software is perfect for anyone who wants to set up their own job board. It’s easy to use and comes with several great features, including a sleek and modern design that will make your job board stand out from the rest. Test our Job Board Software online today and start posting jobs and recruiting top talent in no time.