Category: Artificial Intelligence
Top 15 Artificial Intelligence-Based Employee Engagement Tools for 2020
by Danni White Employee engagement is a critical aspect and an important dynamic in the recruitment sub-sector. Today top-notch organizations gather data to see how the information can b… Read full article “Top 15 Artificial Intelligence-Based Employee Engagement Tools for 2020”
AI Hiring Could Mean Robot Discrimination Will Head to Courts
By Chris, As companies turn to artificial intelligence for help making hiring and promotion decisions, contract negotiations between employers and vendors selling algorithms are being do… Read full article “AI Hiring Could Mean Robot Discrimination Will Head to Courts”
Global AI Recruitment Market Size, Status and Forecast 2019-2025
This report focuses on the global AI Recruitment status, future forecast, growth opportunity, key market and key players. The study objectives are to present the AI Recruitment developm… Read full article “Global AI Recruitment Market Size, Status and Forecast 2019-2025”
Robots hiring humans: new research reveals the importance of striking the balance in the hiring process
New research into job-seeker attitudes to digitization, automation and AI in the recruitment process has revealed how job-seekers are cheating recruitment technology platforms, to bette… Read full article “Robots hiring humans: new research reveals the importance of striking the balance in the hiring process”
Unilever saves money, human hours using artificial intelligence
The AI system being used by the London-based business has replaced human recruiters with the AI system. The company has also saved 100,000 hours of human recruitment time in 2018 by usin… Read full article “Unilever saves money, human hours using artificial intelligence”
How the recruitment industry can take the next step towards AI adoption
By Matt Fischer, President & CTO at Bullhorn at Bullhorn Artificial intelligence (AI) software isn’t new, but it has certainly become more widespread than ever before. Now cheaper to… Read full article “How the recruitment industry can take the next step towards AI adoption”
AI Security Monitoring & Job Recruitment Companies Raise Funds
By Ljubinko Zivkovic VentureBeat reports on two new high fundings for startups developing artificial intelligence. Umbo Computer Vision (UCV) works on autonomous video security systems t… Read full article “AI Security Monitoring & Job Recruitment Companies Raise Funds”
The Dangers of Asking AI to Evaluate a Job Candidate’s Interview
By Lynda Spiegel Artificial intelligence is ubiquitous in corporate recruiting, including Applicant Tracking System (ATS) software that scans resumes for relevant keywords, algorithms th… Read full article “The Dangers of Asking AI to Evaluate a Job Candidate’s Interview”
The Dangers of Asking AI to Evaluate a Job Candidate’s Interview
By Lynda Spiegel Artificial intelligence is ubiquitous in corporate recruiting, including Applicant Tracking System (ATS) software that scans resumes for relevant keywords, algorithms th… Read full article “The Dangers of Asking AI to Evaluate a Job Candidate’s Interview”
AI and facial analysis used in job interviews for the “first time”
Artificial intelligence and facial analysis technology are being applied to video interviews for UK job seekers for the first time, according to reports. This has been met with concern … Read full article “AI and facial analysis used in job interviews for the “first time””