
Hiring Poses Many Challenges But at Least Some Can Be Fixed With Technology

By Anand Srinivasan

In his article about the biggest challenges entrepreneurs face, Entrepreneur.com contributor Larry Alton lists “team building” as one of the most significant hurdles. He points out that picking the right team for a startup is quite stressful, even for those with considerable management experience. This is all the
more challenging when you are already spread thin on resources and are looking to fill openings quickly.

This is not a challenge that only young startups face. Even large businesses with thousands of employees grapple with problems surrounding hiring the right candidates. For this article, I turned to HARO to hear from entrepreneurs who have faced hiring challenges. I wanted to know if technology can be a good tool
to fix hiring issues that startups face.

Here is the gist of the various ways startups today use technology to fix their recruitment woes.
Filtering candidates.

Applying for a job is no longer a labor-intensive process for candidates. There are bots that make it possible for candidates to apply to thousands of jobs at once. While this simplifies the process for job seekers, it can make filtering a nightmarish process for recruiters.

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