Category: Artificial Intelligence
Tech Recruitment Database humanpredictions Announces a $1.16 Million Funding
By Mayuri Chaudhary humanpredictions, a machine learning technology company whose product helps recruiting companies and enterprises identify and build relationships with tech talent, an… Read full article “Tech Recruitment Database humanpredictions Announces a $1.16 Million Funding”
VCV.AI raises $1.7 million for robot recruiter technology with facial and voice recognition
By Chris Burt Recruiting software startup VCV.AI has raised $1.7 million in a Seed funding round to develop its robot recruiter technology featuring facial and voice recognition. The com… Read full article “VCV.AI raises $1.7 million for robot recruiter technology with facial and voice recognition”
How AI is Driving the Next Wave of Digital Transformation
By Sushman Biswas AI is now playing a crucial role in the digital transformation of the HR function. We examine what’s driving this trend, key challenges, and the future roadmap for AI … Read full article “How AI is Driving the Next Wave of Digital Transformation”
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace
By O’Kelly E. McWilliams III and Jennifer R. Budoff As more and more companies begin to utilize Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the workplace, it becomes increasingly important for emplo… Read full article “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace”
Chatbots, cloud ‘driving transformation at workplace’
Digital technologies at the workplace are transforming the way companies create revenue and improve efficiencies via new strategies, products, processes and experiences, said experts ah… Read full article “Chatbots, cloud ‘driving transformation at workplace’”
Future Recruitment Process: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence
By Abhishek Agarwal, Senior Vice President, Judge Group After taking the retail and banking and finance industry by storm, the cognitive technologies are all set to change the future rec… Read full article “Future Recruitment Process: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence”
Artificial Intelligence in Recruiting – the Future of Hiring
Artificial Intelligence or AI is gaining more and more popularity through time. The recruitment market is bustling with latest and most powerful innovations. That’s why it’s not surpris… Read full article “Artificial Intelligence in Recruiting – the Future of Hiring”
How Automation and Artificial Intelligence will Transform
By Suresh Sambandam Chief Executive Officer, KiSSFLOW Technology won’t take the “human” out of human resources anytime soon, but tools like process automation and arti… Read full article “How Automation and Artificial Intelligence will Transform”
Could an algorithm find you the perfect candidate?
You are head of talent acquisition. You’re about to make contact with what recruiters call a cold prospect, someone not actively looking for a job. You know this because their CV isn’t … Read full article “Could an algorithm find you the perfect candidate?”
Now, companies are deploying robots to decode CVs
As robots tread their way into every industry from hotels to healthcare, how could human resources (HR) and recruitment remain far behind? With automation gradually seeping into various … Read full article “Now, companies are deploying robots to decode CVs”