Applicant Tracking Demo - Help File
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Applicant Tracking Software


Automate the entire hiring process from creating job requisitions to posting job requirements, attracting candidates, qualifying job seekers; resume processing, and final selection.

The ATS module enables the hiring managers to visit their website, log on and manage the jobs they want and set criteria. They can manage each stage of the process mentioned above and monitor is continuously to assess different channels of recruitment.

The applicant tracking system tracks the candidate throughout the recruitment lifecycle. Starting from pre-screening, technical round, reference checks, job offer, offer acceptance, to joining.

There are many sub-features available under each of the major modules mentioned here. Through these modules the entire recruitment process gets streamlined and the recruiter reduces time-to-hire significantly.

Since, most of the cumbersome tasks are taken care of by the applicant tracking system, the recruiters can actually get the time they need to concentrate on organizing other offline recruitment activities, conducting interviews and hiring employees.