job search

Six Ways Job Searching Is About to Change Forever



By Jeff Hyman – Chief Talent Officer at Chicago-based Strong Suit Executive Search and teaches the MBA course about recruiting at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management

Your digital footprint will say more than your resume

The resume that used to be printed on paper—with gimmicks like scented or colored paper to stand out—is rapidly becoming obsolete. In the digital age, your

digital footprint allows companies to truly determine the validity of the information you share with them.

Jon Bischke, CEO of recruitment software company Entelo, relies increasingly on digital data when evaluating potential job candidates. “Twenty years ago, the resume was a piece of paper,” Bischke told Business News Daily. “Now, it’s a collection of all [candidate] data that can be found online, like participation

in online communities, conferences, and meetups. Recruiters can assess whether a person will fit, and learn if he or she has the right skills for the job.”

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