10 tips to help you build a successful creative career

You know it's what you want to do. All the doubters are ready to shoot your ideas down. But you're creative to the core and ready to do everything that it takes to build a career and work on the thing you love most.

In my work as a career counsellor with high school students, the career dreams that come through loudest and strongest are those of creatives. But can those dreams become reality?

Well, if you ask the parents the answer is 'No!' Those dreams are shut down faster than a two-year-old with a smart phone. Parents want their kids to be happy. And by their reckoning you can't be happy if you're an underemployed actor, artist, musician, dancer, writer or designer!

Lots of people give up on their dreams. So how do you develop a career that draws on creativity, talent, skill and passion?

Posted by: Admin 01st Nov, 2021 477